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Pay for in a sentence

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Sentence count:271+30Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: inviteSimilar words: away fromtry forcry forby forceapply forpaypay outpay offMeaning: v. have as a guest. 
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181. Giving up his job was a small price to pay for his children's happiness.
182. The government must pay for health care for war veterans - it is an obligation we owe to them.
183. Many parents feel obliged to pay for at least part of the wedding.
184. Poorer people find it hard to pay for their pet's upkeep.
185. She not only deceived him but, to add insult to injury, allowed him to pay for her meal.
186. You don't have to pay for the tickets in advance.
187. There's no point in asking Joe to pay for it - he's a real tightwad.
188. I'll settle with you, you have to pay for your insulting.
188. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
189. The program will double the amount of money available to help pay for child care.
190. They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty.
191. In the nursing home she will have to pay for room and board .
192. I tried to placate her by offering to pay for the repairs.
193. I had to break into my savings to pay for the trip.
194. The polluter should pay for the cost of the clean-up.
195. Alison drew some money out of her account to pay for our trip.
196. His persistence was finally rewarded when the insurance company agreed to pay for the damage.
197. I'll have to draw on my savings to pay for the car.
198. Rising unemployment has been the price we've had to pay for getting inflation down.
199. By tradition [], it's the bride's parents who pay for the wedding.
200. The awful boat journey was a small price to pay for freedom.
201. I'm in a bit of jam, I haven't got enough money to pay for this meal.
202. The government is proposing to put on a new range of taxes to pay for social services.
203. A baseball player doesn't have to pay for transport.
204. I wasn't about to let him pay for it.
205. Grants are not available to pay for fuel bills.
206. The money will pay for a three year scheme to improve 334 houses and five bungalows on the 1960s built estate.
207. There's no extra cash to pay for the search; fire chiefs are just hoping their alarm call is answered.
208. By the end of the emancipation process, the authorities lacked the wherewithal to pay for the transference of land.
209. There was broad agreement on the issue of equal pay for women.
210. Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. Muhammad Ali 
More similar words: away fromtry forcry forby forceapply forpaypay outpay offpay uppay backpaymenttaxpayerpay attention to
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